Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Empty room

It’s been awhile but life kind of got busy. We picked up my 4 year old niece last Saturday for 3 weeks and that girl has been wearing us out.
I’ve been trying to keep the house clean but those kids are driving me crazy. Which brings me to the main reason why I wanted to write this post.
We bought our 3 bedroom 2 bath house in October and the third bedroom has served as our junk room. All of my crafts, yarn, Christmas wrapping paper, and anything else that has no home goes in there. You can barely walk in there. Before Gavin came along our 2 bedroom apartments and townhouse was in the same state. It’s kind of like a wishful thinking moment for us.
What if?
To decorate and have a purpose for it other than a nursery is heartbreaking. I had high hopes that the room wouldn’t be our guest/office room but I’m kidding myself if I think it’s going to happen anytime soon.
At least not this year we know for a fact.
It’s not giving up the dream but being realistic for now.
Not to mention there is no excuse for how much yarn I possess.
The room needs some extra TLC and organization.
I think it’ll be nice to have a quiet room where I can go to craft and read in peace….until our next sweet miracle happens.

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